I arbitrarily gave him a base coat of grey (what was I thinking? I don't know) which was pointless since I ended up not leaving any grey visible on his clothes or equipment. I could have just painted him without a base coat and he would have turned out just the same.
The color I chose for his cloak was a deep purple. I messed around with his scroll and, later, decided to paint it a different color (looked too fleshy).
Step 2 photos show the model after I had applied some drybrushing to his cloak. I coated his staff black, and detailed the crystal on top. Also I painted in all the leather but hadn't yet drybrushed it.
I finished him off in step 3 by drybrushing his black staff with a dark grey, painted the gold on his staff and silver on his buttons and buckle, and redid his scroll.
His base is kind of crazy. I wanted it to look like he was in some crystalline mage's building so I gave the base a coat of black to begin with, then drybrushed the heck out of it with differing shades of purple. Didn't know if it was going to work how I wanted it to but it turned out quite nice.
His skin was the most difficult part. I played around with it a lot but I ended up just using the paint "Fleshtone" and then using a wash of brown. I'll get to washes in more detail in a later post but basically what a simple wash is, is really watered down paint mixed with some chemicals. I just used water on this one.
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